01 April 2009

San Francisco Star Parties - for 100 Hours of Astronomy

The San Francisco Amateur Astronomers are sponsoring three upcoming star parties over the duration of the "100 Hours of Astronomy" event this week. For those of you in San Francisco stop by Lands End on April 2-3-4 to take in the sky and meet local astronomy enthusiasts. The events starts at 7:30 (just at sunset) but come anytime until 9:30. Some of the SFAA members might stay past 9:30. The area for telescopes will be at the north end of the parking lot where the Lands End trail starts. I hope to see many people there. Be sure to dress warmly - it gets very cool there in the evening.

If you live outside of San Francisco, check the "100 Hours" website for other events happening in your area.


The Urban Astronomer said...

David Perlman of the Chronicle posted his coverage of 100 Hours.

Sidewalk Universe said...

Please tell us how it all went and post some pictures if you can!

The Urban Astronomer said...

Pictures posted - see April 6th blog post.